Happiness Therapy

For over ten years, we have been committed to researching and selecting the finest jewelry, creating a world reminiscent of the mysterious cave of the Count of Monte Cristo. However, beyond these precious pieces, our mission has always been to offer our visitors, whether in Paris, Saint-Tropez, Deauville or elsewhere, much more than a simple shopping experience. We want to welcome them into a warm, comforting and pleasant space, where happiness is at the heart of everything.
With this in mind, we launched what we now call happiness therapy, a philosophy that encompasses much more than jewelry. Although our creations are an essential part of it, they are only one element of this happiness therapy. We have also forged partnerships with experts in a variety of fields, each bringing a vital brick to the construction of this holistic movement. These collaborations are revealed in the events we organize, where we invite talented individuals such as Éliane, a passionate naturopath, or Valentin, a renowned chef.
With Éliane, happiness therapy takes on a natural dimension. She guides us towards a holistic approach to well-being, with particular attention to nutrition and a balanced lifestyle. As for Valentin, he enhances our events with his culinary creations, veritable edible jewels that combine health and pleasure. Together, we believe that beauty is a state of mind, a harmony between body and spirit. We want everyone who walks through our doors to feel beautiful, strong and at peace.
Happiness therapy is the pursuit of happiness through sensory experiences, enriching encounters and an ongoing quest for well-being. It's also a reminder that taking care of yourself means taking care of your mind, body and those around you.
Whether you're passionate about jewelry or simply looking for serenity, we invite you to discover this movement with us, and experience unique moments where luxury and well-being intertwine.
The Art of Dandism
Our name "Mad Lords", inspired by the 18th-century English poet Lord Byron, a precursor of dandyism who cherished luxury and the arts, reflects the nickname of his father, "Mad" Byron. The philosophy of dandyism focused on the pursuit of elegance, beauty and individuality, emphasizing personal appearance as a form of self-expression and rebellion against the dress standards imposed by the bourgeoisie. Reflecting this philosophy, the name "Mad Lords" translates as "exuberant bourgeois" in French, embodying the values of aesthetic sophistication, freedom, cultivated lifestyle and art de vivre as an end in itself.
The Soul of the Tribes
Our Jewelry House was born of the belief that today's society is organized around tribes, where individuals are defined by the communities to which they belong. In an increasingly globalized and homogeneous luxury world, where only enrichment counts, ultra-creativity has been outlawed and replaced many times over by sterile power plays. In this scenario, authentic jewelry is essential to distinguish oneself and reveal the distinctive signs of modern tribes, enabling individuals to display their values and express their identity.
The Essence of Sigma
Our logo incorporates the Greek symbol Sigma, representing the sum of differences. This emblem underscores our dedication to bringing together diverse artistic expressions and cultural influences, celebrating the unique and unconventional. We unify differences with a touch of madness, proud of our anti-conformism.