Maria Tasch

Die gebürtige New Yorkerin Maria Tash entwirft und verkauft seit über 21 Jahren Schmuck und wurde von der kühnen Musik und Mode der 70er, 80er und 90er Jahre beeinflusst. Sie revolutionierte die Feinschmuck- und Schmuckindustrie. Luxuspiercing.

Maria Tash was founded in New York in 1993 by renowned piercing expert Maria Tash. The company is a testament to her deep passion for piercings and luxury. Drawing inspiration from a variety of sources, such as music and fashion from the 70s, 80s and early 90s, as well as the punk and goth scenes, Dutch and Flemish painters, and haute couture fashion houses, Maria’s designs reflect her unique vision. Viewing piercing as a distinctive form of beauty, Maria’s designs focus on layering and combining precious materials such as gold, diamonds and gemstones. With her innovative techniques, Maria Tash has revolutionized the landscape of fine jewelry and luxury piercing.

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