M Cohen von Maor

M. Cohen ist eine Marke des kalifornischen Designers Maor Cohen. Ihr einzigartig gestalteter Schmuck hat an Popularität gewonnen und die Unterstützung vieler Redakteure, Stylisten und Prominenter auf der ganzen Welt gewonnen. M.Cohens Handschrift aus Leder und massivem oxidiertem Silber bildet eine perfekte Kombination aus Schmuck mit einem „robusten“, aber schicken Stil.

M. Cohen by Maor was founded in Los Angeles in 2006 by Israeli designer Maor Cohen. Beginning at the age of 13, Maor’s designs were shaped by his deep connection to the ocean and nature, enriched by a gap year of surfing, and influenced by exotic cultures and foreign landscapes. Mr. Cohen’s style emphasizes layering, combining raw and precious elements like gold, silver, brass, leather, pearls, beads and gemstones. Each piece embodies Maor’s Israeli heritage and nomadic spirit, creating aesthetic masterpieces that blend Californian spirit with traditional Jewish techniques. This meaningful connection resonates with people who see his jewelry as an integral part of their identity, and with a strong celebrity clientele, Cohen continues to shape trends and redefine accessories around the world.

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